Monday, January 21, 2008

"Nipsey Russell-Gong Moment" #2: Golf

What is a “Nipsey Russell-Gong Moment?” Three decades ago, the great entertainer Nipsey Russell was a guest judge on The Gong Show. On one episode, a White male ventriloquist appeared as a contestant. His dummy was white, but he (inexplicably) sloppily painted it brown, hence, it looked a bit like blackface. As the man told bad, though not racist jokes, Russell gonged him. Russell explained that he gonged the man because something just wasn’t right. Sometimes things just feel wrong. If you get that feeling, don’t doubt yourself. Just gong ‘em!

A "GONG" to the January 19, 2008 issue of Golfweek for putting a noose on its cover. A "GONG" to Dave Seanor (VP and Editor of Golfweek) for putting it there. A "GONG" to Kelly Tilghman for recommending Tiger Woods' competitors "lynch him in a back alley," thereby prompting Golfweek to go with the noose image. And "GONG" to Tiger Woods who said that Tilghman's comments were a "non-issue."

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