Friday, March 21, 2008

Black Media Archive

Sisterdoc needs all the readers she can get. However, I want to direct you to a blog and podcast that is one of the most important resources for Black history on the web. The BMA: Black Media Archive podcast presents ORIGINAL speeches, texts, documentaries, and images related to Black history. For example, Sisterdoc just finished listening to a Fannie Lou Hamer speech from October 15, 1969. The speech is about the Viet Nam War, racism, and hurricane Camille. One need only replace Viet Nam with Iraq and hurricane Camille with Katrina, and Hamer could be talking about the U.S. today.

Other podcasts feature Malcolm X on television, the movie The Jackie Robinson Story, full sermons by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Langston Hughes reading his own poetry, a speech by Kwame Nkrumah…In all, over 120 important documents are presented!

The podcasts are paired with the BMA: Black Media Archive blog. The blog provides you with background on what you are hearing or seeing in the podcasts.

Sisterdoc has no affiliation with BMA. In fact, she doesn’t even know who runs the site. However, the resource is incredible. The BMA also needs our contributions to keep this effort alive.

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